Travel Tips: Traveling Smarter and Easier

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The time has come – you’ve booked a trip with a well-known cruise franchise and you’re ready to set sail! Traveling is exciting and there are some things to keep in mind to make your trip even better. Here are some great tips for traveling smarter and easier on your next vacation.

Pack Smart
Packing for a trip might be one of the most exciting parts of any vacation. Of course, you want to bring enough to be comfortable while being conservative enough to abide by airline weight guidelines. Making a packing list ahead of time can be a great way to keep yourself on track to packing efficiently. List out the days you’ll be traveling and what clothing you’ll need for each day or activity you have planned. Find versatile pieces that can be worn for more than one event or activity. Cruise trip: If you’re headed to a tropical destination, pack two bathing suits so you’ll always have a dry one to put on.

Prepare Your Devices
Before you set sail, make sure your various devices are charged and ready to operate when you need them. If you’re traveling internationally, be sure to speak with your cellphone carrier ahead of time to ensure that you can use your phone if needed. Most places will have Wi-Fi, so going on airplane and communicating that way is definitely an option! Ask your cruise franchise what types of technological amenities are offered on board. If you’re bringing an electronic reader to enjoy while sunning yourself on deck, pack it with some excellent books before you depart. If you’re bringing a professional camera, bring extra batteries or its battery charger so you’ll be able to capture every beautiful view from your ship and beyond.

Check-In Early
Flying to your port of call? Be sure to check-in to your flight early. Before your trip, considering applying for TSA PreCheck– especially if you fly semi-regularly. With TSA PreCheck, you get to leave your shoes on, liquids in your bag, and usually hop in a shorter line at security. It’s well worth the fee you’ll pay to sign up – and it lasts for five years!

Ask About Discounts
Did you know that some stores offer a tourist discount? It’s true! While it doesn’t happen everywhere, it’s a great idea to ask if the store you’re visiting offers a discount for tourists. This is offered most commonly at larger retailers such as Macy’s or Bloomingdales. All you have to do is present your photo ID and you’ll be issued a discount card to use with purchases. In fact, chat with your cruise franchise when booking a trip – they may have insider information when it comes to discounts.